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A La Carte (8/29)

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Atheism from a Recliner – “Atheists attempting to work out the worldview implications of their (un)belief-system appear to be on the rise these days.” Carlton Wynne looks at an interesting example.

Compelling Conversion – Mike Wittmer read Rosaria Butterfield’s The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and shares a few of the lessons he drew from it.

Christian Liberty – Sinclair Ferguson provides four principles for the exercise of Christian liberty.

Wars Over Christian Beards – “You’re more likely to see a beard in the pulpit today than at any time since the 1800s. But beards—especially among clergy—were once serious, symbolic matters. They separated East from West during the Great Schism, priests from laity during the Middle Ages, and Protestants from Catholics during the Reformation.”

The Awesome Church – I wish they had used a different picture for this article, but still, the point is well taken. “Pastors often say Monday is the hardest day of the week. They feel tired and spent, sometimes beating themselves up over Sunday. However, if you examined the Facebook and Twitter statuses of some church leaders on Monday morning, you would get the opposite impression.”

Conspiring to Kill LincolnSmithsonian has an article about the mother and son team that conspired to kill Abraham Lincoln. “As the 42-year-old widow listened to her jailer read her death sentence, her younger son, the Confederate spy John Surratt, was hiding at a Catholic priest’s residence in a village northeast of Montreal. The federal government had offered $25,000 for his capture.”

Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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