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A La Carte (April 18)

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The Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

I added a couple of noteworthy Kindle deals just a little bit late yesterday. And I’ll be on the hunt for more today.

(Yesterday on the blog: It’s Okay To Be a Two-Talent Christian)

Good Cop, Bad Cop in the Home

Ed Welch explains why it’s so important for parents to avoid playing good cop, bad cop roles with their children. “The good cop, bad cop approach may work well when eliciting criminal confessions, but it was never intended for the home.”

“Quite …Able to Communicate”

I love this little anecdote from the life of Brother Andrew. And it makes me wonder how many of us know our Bibles well enough to be capable of doing something similar today.

What Was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh? (Video)

We have all wondered what Paul was referring to with his “thorn in the flesh.” But more important than knowing exactly what it was is to consider what it represented.

A New Testament Passage That’s Older Than the New Testament

Is it possible that there’s a part of the New Testament that predates the New Testament? This article (probably rightly) contends that there is.

The Sacrifices of Virtual Church

“Though virtual reality is sufficient for some things, it is terrible for others. At best, it is a stopgap when the alternative is impossible; at worst, it severs the connection to the situation’s significance.” I very much agree. The question we need to ask is whether our churches are fostering virtual participation by constantly streaming our services.

A Neglected Discipleship Tool

This article, which is meant primarily for fathers, outlines a neglected discipleship tool we should all be making use of.

Flashback: Spiritual Drafting and the Danger of Christian Complacency

If you can honestly admit that you are drafting, putting in little effort of your own because of the greater effort of the one you follow, today is the day to confess that sin of complacency before God, to ask him to grant you godly fervor, and to pursue the means he offers to ignite such zeal.

We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior.

—John Stott

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