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A La Carte (April 23)

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Retweeting Compliments – Nathan Bingham: “The question of whether it is acceptable to retweet compliments on Twitter is nothing new and quite an old question in terms of internet years.” Should a Christian retweet compliments others pay him?

Bart Ehrman’s Latest – Here’s a long but enlightening article on Bart Ehrman, focusing on his latest book.

A Historical Adam – Nathaniel Claiborne is blogging his way through Four Views on the Historical Adam. Reading the series is a good way to orient yourself in the debate. (Hey, Nathaniel, how about linking each post to the ones that came before/after it?)

Cell vs Virus – This is so simply done that even I can begin to understand it.

You Can’t Claim a Promise – Barnabas Piper tells you why you can’t claim a promise.

Worship in the Inconvenience – In this article at True Woman, Susanna writes “Most of life as a mother is worshiping when circumstances are inconvenient.” Ain’t that the truth. “I read the Bible while my baby is tugging at my feet and my three-year-old is wanting my lap. I pray broken sentences in the car while there is arguing in the back seat, and I want to yell for quiet.”

A Testimony to God’s Goodness – David Murray calls this one of the most powerful testimonies to God’s goodness he’s ever heard. It’s an encouraging one.


Most men pray more for full purses than for pure hearts.

—Thomas Watson

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