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A La Carte (August 29)


Good morning from Oakville! After a lovely time away, Aileen and I have returned safely and gladly home.

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of fairly minor picks (at least for now).

(Yesterday on the blog: No Fear of Old Age)

Orphaned Widow

Patsy writes movingly about being both a widow and, more recently, an orphan (in the sense of being an adult who has now lost both of her parents). “I’m finding it difficult to grasp my new status or describe what it feels like to realize the two people who knew me from the first day of my life and through all the ups and downs that followed are no longer within reach of a phone call or hug.”

Trusting God When Our Children Leave the Nest

Barbara has an article and a poem for the empty nesters.

What was Jonathan Edwards’ favorite book?

Why did America’s greatest theologian call Petrus Van Mastricht’s Theoretical-Practical Theology “much better than any other book in the world, excepting the Bible?” Read the newest volume in this monumental collection, Redemption in Christ, to find out. (Sponsored Link)

Behind the Seen, Providence At Work for Those He Loves

Cara: “No matter what trials or tribulations come our way, God assures us that he is for us and providentially at work in us. Nothing—not peril, decrees, king’s commands, or unexpected life turns—can stand in the way of God accomplishing his purposes for our good and his glory.”

Remembering Dr. N.H. Gootjes (1948-2023)

I appreciate Wes’ remembrance of Dr. Gootjes, a man who was a significant part of my family’s life many years ago.

The Curse Word Isn’t the Most Shocking Part of Philippians 3

This is a good reminder that the infamous “skubalon” is not the most shocking part of Philippians 3.

The Utter Folly of the Cross

Jeremy Treat reminds us of the utter and shocking folly of the cross. We need to ensure we never forget this!

Flashback: When God’s Blessings Flow

Are you in the habit of praying not only for yourself and your family, and not only for your friends and your church, but also for the people around you? Are you in the habit of praying that God would bless and deliver not only you but also others?

The greatness of our sin is always less than the greatness of God’s grace.

—F.B. Meyer

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