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A La Carte (December 10)


Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good collection of books from Crossway and other publishers.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Pastoral Prayer)

Oh, The Sweet Irony of Jordan Peterson’s Fame

This comes from a mainstream publication (and includes a bad word or two) but is an interesting look at how Jordan Peterson gained a voice because of all the opposition to him. There’s a warning for all of us: Being too vocal in your opposition can inadvertently give a voice to the people you oppose. (See my old article Bell, Hell and What We Did Well.)

How to Evangelize Friends Identifying as LGBTQ

We’ve seen lots of articles like this one, but I pay extra attention when Rosaria Butterfield writes it. “How do we evangelize our LGBTQ neighbors? We remind our neighbors that only the love of Christ is seamless. Not so for our spouses or partners. Only Christ loves us best: he took on all our sin, died in our place bearing God’s wrath, and rose victorious from the dead.”

Joni and Suffering Well

I’m so grateful for Joni. “Still what continually stuns me, and convicts me, is how Joni understands—even now, even after fifty years in a wheelchair and even in the midst of a second battle with cancer—that her suffering is not about her. It has eternal potential.”

Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables? (Video)

“Rather than making His teaching clearer, Jesus’ parables often left people more confused. In this Q&A video from one of our live Ask Ligonier events, Sinclair Ferguson examines the deeper purpose of parables.”

Mark Dever on Implementing Meaningful Membership (Video)

Here’s a helpful little introduction to church membership. “We asked Mark Dever, Senior Pastor at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., ‘What advice would you give the pastor beginning the process of implementing meaningful membership in his church?’”

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make

John Piper: “Both mistakes have their own way of silencing what Paul intends to communicate. The first mistake mutes the reality of the text by a vacuous moralism. The second mistake mutes the reality by making every text lie in the procrustean bed of misused orthodoxy. To be sure, justification by faith alone on the basis of the imputed righteousness of Christ alone is a glorious and precious truth. But Paul does not use it in a way that diminishes the urgency of practical obedience.”

Are You Raising a Narcissist?

“The parent who always insists on being right or knowing more than others, should not be surprised if his or her children display the same behaviors. Parents are in higher risk of raising children to be narcissistic when they fail to correct (in their own lives and in their children) behaviors and attitudes associated with the symptoms of narcissism.I am inviting parents to take inventory. A narcissistic life is both personally destructive and disturbingly disruptive to a good society.”

Flashback: It’s Time To Take Your Medicine

Any actions God requires us to take are grounded in his own actions.

The great mistake made by most of the Lord’s people is in hoping to discover in themselves that which is to be found in Christ alone.

—A.W. Pink

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