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A La Carte (January 3)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

Logos users, there are some free and almost free books for you to look at. You’ll also find some good deals from Crossway commentaries and MacArthur commentaries.

(Yesterday on the blog: The New Year — A Poetic Prayer)

I’ve Never Killed Anyone… Right?

“You don’t hate anybody, do you? That depends. In-person, or online? Are we talking about an individual or a collective identity group? A person’s online digital persona and reputation often comes to represent just as much, if not more, of their identity than their physical presence. How do we handle and interact with the digital holograms of people we touch when we meet their online imprint? I daresay the level of online vitriol the church indulges in goes a step beyond calling your brother ‘you fool’ (Mt 5:22).”

The Galilean Voice

This might be a good approach if you’ve not yet decided on a Bible-reading plan for 2022. “A new year often brings a plethora of articles about a fresh commitment to scripture. Maybe as you start a new year you are looking for something fresh—a fresh Bible reading plan, or a fresh devotional book, something to give a different perspective on God’s word. Here’s something I’ve been doing for the past few months.”

Back to Basics

Here’s an article about getting back to the basics. “The reality is that whether we have been a Christian for decades or for only a short time, the foundation is the place to make adjustments. Whether our struggle is overtly spiritual or seems to be disconnected from our personal spirituality – I am thinking about marital issues, relational struggles, emotional stress, etc. – whatever the problem, we always do well to take a look at our foundations. So what are the foundations of our faith?”

So It Is With Grace

“Christian, if you are experiencing minuscule growth in your walk with Christ, don’t become discouraged, frustrated, or annoyed. There is certainly value in some discouragement simply because you shouldn’t want to be complacent. However, don’t despair. God is still molding you, still shaping you, still forming you into the image of Christ.”

Can We Reshape Ourselves into Whatever We Want?

This article from Carl Truman (which is adapted from one of his books) considers the idea of self-creation that is so prominent in society today.

Roman Catholicism as a “Temptation” for Evangelical Theology

Leonardo De Chirico interacts with some of Al Mohler’s thoughts on Evangelicals and Roman Catholicism.

The pride of a congregation may be awakened by brilliant pulpit displays; but it is personal attention and affectionate sympathy with each individual that bind our congregations to us with hooks of steel.

—Theodore Cuyler

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