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A La Carte (July 12)


May the God of love and peace be with you today.

(Yesterday on the Blog: A Tragedy at Sea)

Making Sense of Hebrews 6:1–2

I appreciate David Mathis’s perspective on Hebrews 6:1-2. “Most commentators read this command as a summons to advance beyond basic Christian teachings. A close look at Hebrews 6:1–2 within the context of the whole letter, however, uncovers several problems with the typical interpretation.”

We need to be more sparing about when we shout ‘fire’

Stephen writes about “a certain brand of Christian. They rarely need much encouraging to get all in a lather about something. And it is especially easy to work them up if you mention ‘the government’ or ‘law’ in the same sentence. Any supposed government plan to do almost anything inevitably leads to shrieks and horror.”

Our Father in Heaven

We must never lose the wonder of calling God our Father!

The preciousness of Christ to his people above everything

“In this article, I am going to give a glimpse of why Christ is indeed the greatest treasure to believers above any earthly treasure.” We could all use that reminder, I’m sure.

Bad Spies

“Do you ever secretly scoff at Israel’s failures in the wilderness, thoroughly convinced that you would’ve done so much better? They were firsthand witnesses to so many instances of God’s saving power and miraculous and faithful provision. ‘Come on now!’ we may think. ‘What is their problem?’ How could they so easily drift from obedience into ungrateful rebellion?”

How to Handle the “Why” Questions

“However we frame it, we want to know why—why me, why you, and why does a loving God allow His people to suffer at all?” This is truly one of the most pressing questions for all of humanity.

Flashback: Dusting When the Light Is Dim

We learn that while we sin against our better judgment, God forgives in a way that is only ever consistent with his perfect judgment. We come to realize that his desire to forgive us our sins is far greater than the desire of our hearts to commit those sins. We come to know that the light has come and the darkness can never overwhelm it.

We can take as much credit for our regeneration as a new-born baby can take for its birth.

—Will Dobbie

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