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An Invitation to Reformation Fellowship

This week, the blog is written by Michael Reeves, and sponsored by Reformation Fellowship. Dr. Reeves is President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in Oxford and Bridgend, United Kingdom.

I’m thrilled to invite you to be part of something new happening this November. My friends Dane Ortlund, Philip Ryken, Jeff Norris, Gwenfair Adams, and Bradley Green are joining with me to begin Reformation Fellowship. Over two days, November 11–12, 2022, we will gather at Perimeter Church, Atlanta, for teaching, fellowship, worship, and prayer.

There are many great conferences and events every year. Why come to this one?

As I travel around the world, I so often meet Christians who are weary and lonely. Others are theologically homeless or rootless. I frequently hear from pastors and leaders that they feel unsupported and isolated in ministry. Believers desperately need other believers: in their churches, in their local areas, and even sharing in partnership across oceans. Conferences of various kinds can be a great encouragement, but they usually come round but once a year and leave us all wanting more. This Fall, we want to do something different: we want to establish an ongoing fellowship. A supportive network of friendships and partnerships that stretch far beyond a one-off event and play a part in sustaining us all day to day for years to come.

People of the Gospel

The heart of true Christian unity has always been the gospel, far more than any group identities, denominational alignments, or cultural agendas. So, when we gather in Atlanta, our theme will be The Gospel: Our Hope, Our Banner. It is under the banner of the gospel that Christians find true unity and deep fellowship. Drawn by the Father’s revelation of himself, redeemed by the Son, and having hearts transformed by the Holy Spirit, we are able to stand firm amid all that comes against us, and stand together shoulder to shoulder – even amid our differences.

For two days, we will gather and enjoy plenary teaching sessions and breakout tracks. We won’t simply talk about the gospel or merely download content about the gospel; we will revel in it together. We want to minister to the hurting, to lift drooping hands, to strengthen weak knees. We want to initiate true fellowship that will extend into the days ahead. We will prioritise praying together in breakout tracks (serving pastors, women, theologians, and others) and we will be forming groups for ongoing mutual support and fellowship beyond the conference. We will be fuelling your Christian life and ministry with our magazine, podcast, online gatherings, and more into the future. Our aim is that everyone who attends will leave with new friendships, as a band of brothers and sisters shaped and formed by the gospel.

In Reformation Fellowship we will support each other as people of the gospel together. I would love to welcome you to be a part of it.

Book now.

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