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A La Carte (July 18)


Encouragement, Confession, and Concern

Garrett Kell was at this weekend’s big event on The Mall and writes out his thoughts on it. “I didn’t see or hear everything during those seven hours, but I saw much of it. And as I watched, I found myself encouraged, convicted, and concerned.”

5 Principles for Studying the Trinity

Gavin Ortlund: “The Trinity has been ‘trending’ lately in the blogosphere. I think that is a good thing insofar as theological debate often leads to greater theological clarity. Rather than wade into the contested areas, I thought it might be helpful to offer a broader, more constructive post for those of us (like myself) who, particularly in light of the controversy, see our need to keep “beefing up” our understanding of the Trinity.”

The Fjords of Norway

Here’s a beautiful timelapse film of Norway. And then here’s a haunting one of Fukushima.

The Calvary Option?

Carl Trueman: “The world around may legitimate whatever sleaze, self-indulgence and self-deception it may choose. It may decide that black is white, that up is down, and that north is south, for all I care. The needs of my congregation—of all congregations—will remain, at the deepest level, the same that they have always been, as will the answers which Christianity provides.”

The L.E.D. Quandary

Here’s an interesting one on L.E.D. lights. “Building bulbs to last turns out to pose a vexing problem: no one seems to have a sound business model for such a product. And, paradoxically, this is the very problem that the short life span of modern incandescents was meant to solve.”

This Day in 1965. 51 years ago today, R.C. Sproul was ordained by the Pittsburg Presbytery in the United Presbyterian Church of the U.S.A.

“Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It

Yes, let’s be done with this unfair caricature of Calvinism.

Headphones Everywhere

“Anyone who has recently spent time in a public space—traversing the aisle of an airplane, say, lurching toward your seat adjacent to the toilet, trying to shift your backpack without thwapping a fellow traveller on the forehead—has likely noticed the sudden and extraordinary ubiquity of headphones.” Indeed.

Flashback: 10 Ways To Resist The Devil

It is one of the Bible’s many sweet and powerful promises: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). The question is, though, how do we do this? In very practical ways, how do we resist the devil? Here are 10 of them…


When your will is God’s will, you will have your will.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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