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A La Carte (June 1)


Good morning my friends. As we begin a new month, it may be good to once again remind ourselves of this: Right now, on this very day and at this very moment, God is reigning from his throne.

(Yesterday on the blog: Summer Reading Suggestions for Students)

Is My Marriage Over?

“This is a question we rarely vocalize aloud, let alone within Christian circles. Yet it likely haunts some of you in struggling marriages, especially if you grew up in a home with broken love. Before you make any life-altering decisions, take a moment to breathe and ask yourself a few questions.”

The Unloved Wife: Responding Biblically

Meanwhile, also on the subject of marriage: “Every wife longs to be loved by her husband. This longing is a Biblical one. … But what happens when a husband doesn’t love his wife? How should the wife respond?”

Join Tim Challies at The SING! Conference

Build lifelong patterns of worship that ground your family and your congregation in Gospel-centered truths! This September 5-7, join thousands of believers from around the world for three days of deep theology, timeless artistry, and congregational singing led by speakers and artists like Keith & Kristyn Getty, Tim Challies, John Piper, Joni Eareckson Tada, Mark Dever, Paul David Tripp, D. A. Carson, Andrew Peterson, Shai Linne, Matt Merker, and dozens more. EXCLUSIVE: Visit and use code ‘CHALLIES35’ to save 35% before General Registration closes June 17. (Sponsored Link)

Congratulations Your Majesty

I enjoyed this little appreciation of Queen Elizabeth as she comes up to an incredible milestone.

9 Things You Should Know About Muhammad

Here are a few things it would be good for you to know about Muhammad. They come courtesy of Ayman Ibrahim who has just written a book titled A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad.

God Matures Us through Suffering, Not Miracles

“Can it be that seeking regular miracles in our lives isn’t what God intends for us?” What if there is another way through which God intends to grow our spiritual maturity…

Should Christians Condemn Bitcoin, or Embrace It?

My perspective on Bitcoin swings back and forth about as wildly as Bitcoin’s price does. Though I generally regard it negatively, I do appreciate the perspective Nelson Hsieh offers here as he considers how it can be extremely helpful for people who don’t enjoy Western financial privileges.

Flashback: Ordinary Christian Work

We please God—we thrill God—when we live as ordinary people in ordinary lives who use our ordinary circumstances to proclaim and live out an extraordinary gospel.

We see our good things magnified; and our blemishes in a light which makes them seem almost virtues.

—J.R. Miller

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    A La Carte (September 17)

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    This week the blog is sponsored by Zondervan Reflective. This is an excerpt from Thaddeus Williams’ latest book on living out a radically God-centered systematic theology entitled Revering God: How to Marvel at Your Maker (Zondervan Reflective, 2024), featuring stories of Christian thinkers like Michael Horton, Fred Sanders, Joni Eareckson-Tada, John Perkins, Vishal Mangalwadi, and…

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    A La Carte (September 16)

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    It Comes with a Personal Tutor

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    Weekend A La Carte (September 14)

    A La Carte: The Battle and the Blessing (a new song!) / Curved in upon ourselves / Pondering the passage of time / The allure and danger of WitchTok / Be a Christian in every situation / and more.