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A La Carte (June 2)

Through Hell and Back

Relevant has a story on Rob Bell and what he’s up to now. “Five years ago, Rob Bell wrote a controversial book, left the huge church he started and moved to L.A. But he says what he’s doing now is more pastoring than ever.”

One-Thing Shops: Soda, Los Angeles

Next time I’m in Los Angeles I need to visit this store!

Beyond Original Sin

CMI critiques the work of Denis Lamoureux whose work I’ve also encountered a number of times. “In an article published in Perspectives on Science and Christian Belief, he denies the doctrine of Original Sin. Science, he believes, has shown that there never was a historical Adam and therefore there never was an original sin.”

At the Intersection of Sex and the School

I really enjoyed Al Mohler’s recent conversation with Professor Jonathan Zimmerman. They have a lengthy discussion on the history (and future) of sex education in schools.

Read More Blogs

I appreciate Seth Godin’s point here. “Good blogs aren’t focused on the vapid race for clicks that other forms of social media encourage. Instead, they patiently inform and challenge, using your time with respect.” He also tells why neither Facebook nor Google want you to read blogs.

The Way Canadians Say “About”

When I speak in the US, I try to fit an “about” or two into my introduction just to please the crowd. But maybe what you think you hear (aboot) isn’t actually what I’m saying…

This Day in 553. 1,463 years ago today, the Second Council of Constantinople closed, having condemned Nestorian teachings. *

Seven Ways to Improve Your Preaching

Kevin DeYoung offers some tips for preachers. I especially appreciate his point about points: “Make sure your points point to something.” A sermon with a good outline is so much easier to follow than a sermon with a poor outline (or with no outline at all).

Flashback: 1 Triangle, 3 Corners, 4 T’s

To know what God says to us, and how God means for us to live, we need to do a little bit of work. Every Christian, and every preacher in particular, has to go from the text to today. We all wonder, “But what does this mean to me?” or “What does this mean to my congregation?”


It is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance, not our repentance that leads God to be kind.

—Scott Sauls

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