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A La Carte (March 10)


It’s another pretty good day for those who collect Kindle deals. I’d put Never Settle for Normal and Friends and Lovers at the top of the list.

Logos users, we’re on to another round of Logos March Madness, marching toward 60% discounts. You can now vote for the next round and get discounts on all eliminated products.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Celebrity Pastor We’ve Never Known)

The Spurgeon of Africa: Interview with Conrad Mbewe

I enjoyed this interview with Conrad Mbewe (who, as it happens, is one of my favorite people). He doesn’t hold back! “This is a mystery to me, why educated people who use their brains in their professions are content to leave their brains at home when they go to church. There are many people who are content with the anti-intellectual emotionalism that is common in many churches in Southern Africa.”

Allow Parenting to Push You Toward Humility

Melissa has wisdom for parents. “Being large and in charge has its place in Christian parenthood I suppose, but more often than not the path to our kids’ hearts is paved with humility, gentleness, and spiritual eyesight, especially as they grow older. We grow and change as we allow parenthood to push us toward humility and reliance on a good God who loves us in spite of our own heart troubles.”

How Were People Saved in the Old Testament? (Video)

How did God save people before the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Peter Gentry answers in this video.

How to Disciple Long-Distance Grandchildren

True Woman is beginning a series called “Ask An Older Woman” and the first entry in the series is for grandmothers whose grandchildren are far away. “How can I, as a grandma, stay connected with my grandchildren, who live six to seven hours away, and show them how much they need God and His Word and how important He is?”

Wash Your Lyrics

You’ve heard that you’re supposed to wash your hands for as long as it takes you to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. But who wants to sing that song? This little site lets you input whatever song you want, and it will tell you how much of it to sing to get your hands properly scrubbed.

Praying for Patience

Here’s a reflection on patience as a Christian virtue. “More than ever before I saw that patience and waiting are inextricably linked, and that waiting means trusting God’s plan, God’s timing, and not my own. And I could trust God’s plan because of who God is.”

Communion and Corona

I think many of us can identify with this article. It’s amazing how the Lord’s Supper, a great sign of unity among God’s people, can become an occasion for disunity. “I’d much rather use real wine and real bread, but don’t want to exclude those for whom this is difficult. I don’t want a range of ‘offers’ in the elements as that is so damaging to the enacted sermon of partaking in one loaf, and one cup. I don’t want to be hygiene obsessed, but recognise the cultural significance of hygiene in our context.”

Flashback: I Have All the Time I Need

There is a cost to busyness, but there is a more subtle cost to being perceived as busy. When people believe that I’m busy, they also believe that I am unapproachable.

The world tells us to follow the motivations of our hearts—in other words, to do whatever we want. In contrast, Scripture gives us boundaries that aren’t meant to stifle us but instead to help us to walk in the freedom of Christ.

—Trillia Newbell

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