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A La Carte (May 15)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that are definitely worth a quick look.

(Yesterday on the blog: I Want To Buy Your Cheapest Phone!)

The Role of Parents in Preparing for the Ministry

David Murray writes, “Over the years, I’ve been collecting principles or maxims from the biographies of pastors, missionaries, and other Christian leaders. Some students have also contributed to my collection via various assignments and internships. Here are a few of the lessons we’ve gathered about the role of parents in preparing men for ministry.” Be challenged!

Three Reasons Not to Gamble on Sports

“In a landmark decision today, the Supreme Court effectively struck down federal laws against sports gambling. While the full implications of the ruling will probably take time to realize, most states in the US will likely sanction and promote (though, according to this ruling, they wouldn’t have to) betting on professional sports, such as NFL, NBA, baseball, etc. It’s a major ruling for every professional sporting organization and for millions of Americans—mostly men—who gamble on their favorite sports.” Here are three reasons you shouldn’t take advantage of the new ruling.

Thou Shalt Not Put Your Friends to the Test

This is an important and unexplored angle to accountability relationships. “When we think of accountability relationships (or accountability ‘partners’), we often think of all the ways someone might keep a weaker brother responsible for his actions. But we rarely talk about how the one being held accountable might live in such a way to not make his accountability-holder have to feel like a jerk. This runs through issues of church discipline and the like, as well. The focus is so much on gentleness and directness and loving rebuke for those sinning — which is a necessary focus, of course — that we sometimes neglect to remind people that walking in repentance and integrity is a good gift to leaders (Hebrews 13:17) because it keeps them from having to enter conflict.”

DNA is Just Another Way we Can’t Opt Out of Data Sharing

It sure is a strange new world we’ve entered into.

Why Winning the Lottery Is Dangerous

“Winning the lottery can be bad for your health, in more ways than one. In fact, winning the lottery can be dangerous.” This article explains how and why.

In the #MeToo Moment, Publishers Turn to Morality Clauses

This is not unexpected and these clauses have long existed in the Christian world. “Major publishers are increasingly inserting language into their contracts—referred to as morality clauses—that allows them to terminate agreements in response to a broad range of behavior by authors. And agents, most of whom spoke with PW on the condition of anonymity, say the change is worrying in an industry built on a commitment to defending free speech.”

Before You File That Lawsuit

Here are some important things to think through if you find yourself in the position of considering litigation.

Flashback: 5 Ways Every Christian Grows

The wise farmer tends his orchard with patience and love, expecting that when his trees have been cared for properly, they will indeed bear fruit. The Holy Spirit tends us with that same patience and love, knowing that we too will bear fruit that will attest to his presence and bring glory to the Father.

Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you.

—John Owen

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