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A La Carte (October 18)


Today’s Kindle deals include a huge collection from Fortress Press. I’m not familiar with most of them, so cannot vouch for them, but thought some might appeal especially to pastors and scholars.

Logos users can use the code SAVE20NOW to get $20 off any item(s). It’s basically $20 to spend however you wish. Click here to get started. If you call (888) 707-2359 and order a Logos 8 library (excluding Fundamentals), that code will be worth $40.

Trans Children and Responsible Adults

“The surge in numbers of those identifying as transgender is one of the strangest and most confusing trends of our cultural moment.” Matthew Hosier offers three reasons (kind of) why so few people are pushing back.

The Reformanda Initiative

Here’s a new podcast that is worth subscribing to. Three pastors in Rome discuss and analyze Roman Catholic theology and practice from an Evangelical perspective.

I took a slight step back, experience teaching me to not keep completely out of striking distance, which would only anger her further, but to be just far enough away for it only to sting when she hit out. She ripped open the envelope and with it tore a part of the paper within. Her eyes scanned the news and I stood there sweating, praying desperately for a good result and a pain-free evening. ‘Please God, please God, please God.’

Consequences of Musical Divorce

This is such a good and important article by Jamie Brown. “In many ways, the worship wars of the 1980’s, 1990’s, and 2000’s were like a marital conflict. The conflict grew so intense, and dragged on for so long, that reconciliation no longer seemed possible. Eventually, hearts were hardened towards one another, and what was once just separation was finally codified in divorce.”

Distinguishing Accents (Video)

I found this analysis of different accents fascinating.

‘No Obvious Answer’: How Christian Colleges Are Responding to LGBTQ Regulations

TGC has a longform article about LGBTQ regulations and how Christian colleges are responding to them. (Or in some cases preparing to respond to the stipulations that are coming in the near future.)

Book Review: Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

It’s amazing how Jesus Calling just continues to sell and how it continues to influence people. 9Marks has a new review of it that points out some of the most pressing concerns.

Flashback: The Pastor’s Job Isn’t To Fix Things

The pastor’s role is not to fix, but to minister. It’s not to repair what has been broken, to restore what has been separated, to heal what has been wounded. Rather, the pastor’s job—and his great delight—is to minister.

Prayer is arguably the most objective measurement of our dependence upon God. The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own.

―H.B. Charles Jr.

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