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A La Carte (September 15)

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Helpers for Unfinished Husbands

“It might take many years of sanctifying marriage for a husband to learn Christlike headship, and even then it will be imperfect. Wives, as helpmates, come alongside their husbands in this unfinished work.”

Don’t Lose Spiritual Disciplines for Fear of Legalism

There are some good challenges in this article. “For fear of being legalistic, we can rob ourselves of the benefits of a regular pattern (or ‘spiritual disciplines’) of walking with God. Is this biblical or beneficial? Not at all!”

9 Things You Should Know About Refugees in America

Here’s Joe Carter keeping you informed on today’s headlines.

For the Church

A couple of weeks ago was the initial For the Church conference. They have just released conference audio and video. Speakers include David Platt, Russell Moore, and H.B. Charles Jr, and Darrin Patrick.

This Day in 1648. “The Larger and the Shorter Catechisms—both prepared by the Westminster Assembly the previous year—were approved by the British Parliament. These two documents have been in regular use among various Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Baptists ever since.” *

The Indian Liberace

If you enjoy history, you may enjoy this tale of how a black man from Missouri transformed himself into the Indian Liberace.

I Am Donald, Hear Me Roar

A Canadian former politician tries to get to the bottom of the Donald Trump phenomenon: “Donald Trump has them flummoxed. The media, his Republican and Democratic opponents, they don’t know what to do with him. And because they don’t, more and more Americans like him.”


We should more quickly doubt our love for our own children than doubt God’s love for us.

—Burk Parsons

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