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Weekend A La Carte (June 17)

It is a sunny summer weekend here in Ontario. We’ve got just two weeks of school remaining, then we’re officially on summer break. It has been well-earned and we are all looking forward to changing up the pace for a little bit.

But enough about me. Here are some links to get your weekend started…

The Lost Genius of the Post Office

It’s funny to think that the Post Office was once a force for great innovation.

We Aren’t Supermen, Dads, We’re Surrogates

Joe Carter: “When I became a father myself, I vowed to extend that period when my own child would view me as Superman. But it didn’t last long as I had hoped. It couldn’t, because fathers aren’t meant to be superheroes. We’re meant to be surrogates.”

Soldier of Christ (Video)

“Having served in the US Army with a 12 month tour in Afghanistan, Jarrod experienced the physical and emotional struggles of war. Coming to see firsthand the brevity of life, he received a strong calling to pastoral ministry from the Lord. Jarrod would come to realize how God had used real warfare to prepare him for the spiritual warfare he has been called to fight Sunday after Sunday.”

Nourished by Christ in My Wilderness

Lianna writes about a time of testing. “Yet, in my months without answers, I experienced the temptation to dwell exclusively upon the question—Will my life now always be like this? Yet, it was because I had peace with God through Christ that I did not despair—and I could see beyond it.”

Father’s Day (Video)

I enjoyed this little Father’s Day video.

Pray Them Home

“Parents, if you are raising a seemingly hard-hearted, rebellious son or daughter (whether outwardly or inwardly), I challenge you to take up your arms, fight the spiritual battle that rages over them with all of your God-given strength, and refuse to give up on their life.”

Musée Virtuel du Protestantisme

I’ve really been enjoying this virtual museum of Protestantism. Though the title is French, the site is available in English.

Flashback: Setting Up My Kids for Salvation

I trust God with my soul, but for some reason have a much tougher time trusting him with the souls of my kids. I wonder if you can identify with the struggle.

How to Read 20 Books a Year Effortlessly

My thanks goes to Christian Audio for sponsoring the blog this week.

Nothing is more generally known than our duties which belong to Christianity; and yet how amazing is it, nothing is less practiced.

—George Whitefield

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