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Headlines (December 1)

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Holiday Celebrations – Last night I received the joyous news that next Tuesday I will have to miss home church to attend my son’s holiday concert since he is in junior kindergarten at the local public school. When I was a lad we called these events Christmas concerts, but in this politically correct age, using the word Christmas is strictly forbidden. The children will sing songs such as This Little Light of Mine with any Christian references removed and We Wish You A Happy Holiday (“we wish you a happy holiday and a happy new year”). Ah the horrors of living in the most politically-correct country in the world.

The Greatest Canadian – The Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) recently asked Canadians to vote on who is the greatest Canadian of all-time. Beginning with hundreds of names, the list was pared down to ten and the winner was announced just a few days ago. I confess that when I heard this name I had to Google it to see just who this person was. The winner was Tommy Douglas, former leader of the New Democratic Party who is considered the father of the Canadian medicare system. At one point in his career he was a Baptist minister, but soon turned to politics. You can read his CBC bio here. Here are the top ten Canadians as voted by Canadians:

  1. Tommy Douglas
  2. Terry Fox
  3. Pierre Elliott Trudeau
  4. Sir Frederick Banting
  5. David Suzuki
  6. Lester B. Pearson
  7. Don Cherry
  8. Sir John A. Macdonald
  9. Alexander Graham Bell
  10. Wayne Gretzky

Infant Euthanasia – The main assocation of doctors in Holland, always at the forefront of whatever is morally despicable, are urging the government to review cases of euthanasia where the “patient” is mentally incompetent or incapable of free will. In these cases another person would be responsible for the decision on whether the patient should live or die. Amidst this controversy a hospital has announced that they have already euthanized several babies, have reported this to the government, and have not been prosecuted. Naturally Catholic and Christian organizations are expressing shock and disgust, and rightly so. What an affront to the Lord to declare that some of his creations are not worth of life.

CTAOTD – Today’s Christianity Today article of the Day is entitled Luther, Luther, Luther and compares three films that portray Luther. The newest of these, Luther (which I watched and reviewed a few weeks ago) is available on DVD as of yesterday and is worth watching.

You Call This Fun? – Since Christmas and my birthday (tomorrow, for those who want to send me something expensive and nice) fast approaching, my wife took a list of books from my wishlist to the Christian bookstore to get some of her shopping done. I am fortunate that the largest Christian bookstore in town is owned by a Reformed guy and one who sees the value of good books. When my wife presented the list the lady read through it and said, “Your husband is a seminary student, isn’t he?” When my wife assured her that I wasn’t she replied, “You mean he reads this stuff for fun!?”

Monergism Books – Everybody’s favorite site dealing with Reformed theology, Monergism has just opened a bookstore named (no great surprise here) Monergism Books. This is great news, especially as it comes on the heels of Discerning Reader announcing they need to get into the PostModern era and stop selling all that Reformed stuff. If you’re in the market for some books, remember also about Read ‘N Reap’s bookstore. Check CoffeeSwirls for some great values on books from Read ‘N Reap (scroll down and look in the left column).

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