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2005: A Fresh Start

For a few days now I’ve been mentioning that I will provide some information about what is in the works for this site in 2005. I will put it off no longer and will give you an idea of what you can expect.

Giveaways. You bet. At this very moment there packages of various sizes and weights headed my way from all over the continent. They contain books that I will be giving away at a rate of (hopefully) two per month. I have several well-known Christian authors who have agreed to participate. All of them will first be signing their books before sending them along, so you have a chance not only to get a free book, but to get a free book signed by the author. I am currently deliberating which book to give away first. Once I have decided I will begin the draw, so check back soon for details. I am quite excited about these giveaways as I will be able to share with others some of the books that have meant a lot to me.

Content. This year I hope to write a greater number of more involved articles. I suppose it is difficult to qualify that statement, but I mean that I want to write a greater quantity of articles that are better-researched and better-written. I intend to continue with the two series I am working on now – Five Things Every Christian Needs to Know and Translating & Translations.

Seminary?. Don’t tell anyone, but I am meeting with the principal of a local Baptist Seminary next week. At this point I am merely investigating a school close to my home that, until recently, I did not know was thoroughly Reformed in doctrine. Seminary has been on my mind for many years (since grade school) and perhaps, just perhaps, it is time to do it. Of course there is the small matter of not only paying for it, but surviving financially during a three-year program, but I have to believe that if God wants me to go, He will provide for our finances.

Another Site?. I am considering beginning a second site, though this one will not be a weblog. Instead it will be a site dealing almost exclusively with reviews of Christian (and “Christian”) books. Since I already write many book reviews and know others who do as well, I think this may be a valuable ministry. More on that later if I can find the time and motivation to make it happen!

Partnership. I am currently working with quite a well-known Christian site to help that site with different aspects of design and content management. We may form some sort of bond which would be very exciting for me and for this site. That is about all I can say at the present time, but keep your ears to the ground for more information soon.

Personally. God has been working some welcome but difficult changes in my life lately. He is teaching me ever-more what it means to live a life that is pleasing to Him. Through His power I am seeking to put a greater emphasis in my life on personal holiness – not just my “online” life but also my “real” life – the one I live away from the keyboard. In terms of goals for 2005, I have several. Among these are: posting on this site something worthwhile every day of 2005; reading and reviewing at least 52 books; reading or listening to 104 good sermons (not including those I hear in church); taking time to think away from people, noise and music. I am excited that a new year has begun and I find myself looking at it as a fresh start in many areas of my life. It is my sincere hope, prayer and confidence that God can and will use me for His glory in 2005. Soli deo gloria!

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