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My Wife The Anti-Feminist

Over the past week my wife and I have both been absorbed in nonfiction books. I have been reading The Feminist Mistake: The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture by Mary A. Kassian. In this book Kassian details the rise of modern feminism and points to its impact on the church. The basic premise of the book is that feminism, whether it be secular or Christian, is based on the same principles and will end up at the same place – a place far from God. It has been fascinating to see how women who dedicate themselves to feminist philosophy end up straying farther and farther from the truth. It is almost as if radical feminism is a mental disorder. What is radical in secular feminism becomes mainstream about ten years later, and what is mainstream in secular feminism becomes mainstream in the Christian world just a few years after that. I will publish a full review of this book sometime in the next week or so.

Against this backdrop I have enjoyed watching my wife read a book she purchased at a woman’s retreat a few weeks ago. The book she is reading is entitled Becoming The Woman of His Dreams. As evidenced by the title, this book is a polar opposite to feminism. This book teaches that the role of a wife is not merely to seek her own interests, but also those of her husband. While she is not to lay aside her dignity and uniqueness, she is to strive and sacrifice to become the woman of her husband’s dreams – the kind of woman any Christian man dreams about. Judging from the amount of discussion Aileen and I have had about this book I believe I can safely assume it is proving an eye-opening read for her.

What can I say? I am blessed to have a wife who is selfless, and who truly wants to honor God through honoring the institution of marriage. My wife is an anti-feminist. She has no interest in pursuing her own selfish dreams at the expense of her husband, her family or her faith. I am proud of her and am thankful to have been given such a gift from God.

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