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Free Stuff Fridays

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Free Stuff Fridays

It’s time for another Free Stuff Friday. This week’s sponsor is Evangelical Press. As you may well know, Evangelical Press is a non-profit mission organization based in the UK but with an increasing presence on this side of the pond. It’s mission is to place sound Christian books and sound biblical teaching within reach of as many people as it can across the world.

Stars in Gods SkyThis week they are offering five prizes, each of which is a copy of Faith Cook’s Stars in God’s Sky. Cook is quickly making a name for herself as one of the foremost Christian biographers. This book, her latest, offers a series of short biographies of important Christian figures. According to the publisher, “In her typically engaging and enthralling style, Faith Cook shows us how God graciously works in individuals’ lives. Among others here we find the encouraging short stories of John Foxe, Fanny Guinness, John Gifford and ‘Grimshaw’s men’, Paul Greenwood and Jonathan Maskew. ‘Those who turn many to righteousness shall shine like the stars of heaven for ever and ever’ (Daniel 12:3).”

Michael Haykin says of this book, “One of the great principles of God’s Word as it relates to history is that every life that God touches is valuable. This book demonstrates that vital truth abundantly. From the somewhat famous to the completely obscure–though not to the Living God–Faith Cook reveals the polychromatic grace of God at work in the fabric of our human existence. In doing so, she excites us to praise the God of all grace and to rejoice that all who are in Christ are called to service.”

Rules: You may only enter the draw once. Simply fill out your name and email address to enter the draw. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon.

(The giveaway is now closed)

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