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Announcing New Study Guides

Study Guides

I am thrilled to announce the release of study guides and presentation slides for my new booklets Set an Example and The Character of the Christian. These guides are ideal for individual study or for groups of teens or young adults.

Both sets include a study guide and presentation slides. The study guide is designed for individuals or small groups to practice what they learn from the booklets. For each chapter in the book there is a Bible study, homework, and related Bible memory and readings. These studies are intentionally specific, giving concrete, immediate practices to apply the content of the book. The presentation slides are in PowerPoint, Keynote, and static image formats and also include background slides and slide masters, so you can create additional slides as you see fit. They perfectly complement the contents of the studdy guide for those who choose to study as a group. Here is a brief description of the programs.

Set An Example

God means for your life to be a canvas, the setting for a beautiful work of art. And he also expects this work of art to be seen, admired, and imitated…

There are many ways to invest your time as a teen or young adult, but the Bible has convinced me that none is better than the pursuit of godliness. In Paul’s letter to young Timothy, you (yes, you!) are called to be an example to your peers and even to older Christians. He calls you to set an example of maturity and godliness in your speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

In Set An Example, you’ll explore these areas and see how they apply to what you think, what you say, what is hidden in your heart, and what is broadcast in your life.

Set An Example Budle

The Character of the Christian

Are you growing in godliness? How would you even know?

A good place to begin is understanding and imitating the character qualifications the Bible lays out for elders. While elders are meant to exemplify these traits, all Christians are to display them. And, with just one exception, each of them is related to character.

Join me as I explore the Bible to consider how we can better exemplify the highest Christian virtues. As we consider the character of the Christian, we will spur one another on to love, good works, and Christlikeness.

Character of the Christian

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