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The Best of September

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I’ve been at this blogging thing for quite a long time now—it’s coming up on ten years. I’ve been at the daily blogging thing for almost as long. This means that I’ve got an extensive backlist of articles from years gone by. I thought it might be fun to pull out some of the articles I wrote in previous months of September, stretching all the way back to 2004.


Spiritual Abuse and More on Spiritual Abuse – This has become quite a big topic in the church today.

Honor, Respect & Taxes – It’s one thing to pay taxes; it’s another to respect the ones who levy them.


What I Hate About Blogging – I must have been having a bad day.

On Being a Dad – I love being a dad (most of the time).


The Truth About Canadian Health Care – Don’t let them tell you otherwise. We aren’t doing too badly up here.

On Visiting Saddleback Church – About the time I visited Saddleback and met Rick Warren.


Calvinism and Evangelism – What we are to do and what we are not to do in evangelism.

Who Shapes Your World? – It’s always a little disappointing to see who TIME chooses as the people who are shaping our world.


Spoilt for Choice – This was one of the seeds that eventually grew into The Next Story.

Bludgeoning with Providence – There is a way Christian leaders try to convince you they know God’s will for your life.


It Is Good to Thirst – Yes it is.

Planned Neglect – There isn’t room for everything, so you need to plan to neglect something.


The Enemy Next Door – This was an important one to me back when I wrote it.

The Infinite Value of Scripture – This is an old favorite. I think the metaphor made it into one of my books.


Worshipping the Seeker – There are quite a lot of articles like this one in the early days of my site; in those days I was at a seeker-sensitive church and just starting to understand what that meant.

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