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  • Now What

    Now What?

    It is a question I get asked with fair frequency: What book would you recommend for a new Christian? If someone has just made a profession of faith in Christ, what would you suggest they read? The answer changes with the times because the times continue to change, so while there are some issues that…

  • Please Encourage Me And Lets Read An Encouraging Book Together

    Please Encourage Me (And Let’s Read An Encouraging Book Together)

    There are two things I’d like to communicate in this brief blog post. The first is a request and the second is an invitation. First, the request: Encourage me. I’d love it if you’d consider submitting the answer to a question and I’ll then round up some of the answers and share them next week.…

  • An Epic Timeline

    My New Book & Documentary Are Now Available!

    Today’s the day — release day for my new book and 10-episode travel documentary! Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History is both a book and a documentary series that charts my journey around the world and through the ages. Touching more than 20 countries across 6 continents, you can travel the world with me…

  • Think of Not Having Christ

    Think of Not Having Christ!

    Few authors alive or dead speak to me the way J.R. Miller does. In his book Self-Control, now long out of print, he has his readers imagine life without Christ. It’s a passage worth reading and worth reflecting on. The relation between Christ and his friends is closer than any human relation. No one can…

  • 10 Books Every Christian Should Read

    I believe that of all the questions I receive, the most common relate to books. What are some books I ought to read? Can you recommend a book on this subject or that subject? What should I read next? I’m happy to answer such questions, but thought I might be able to answer a bunch…

  • This, That and the Other Thing

    Friday morning seems like a good time to give you a couple of personal updates and to ask you a question about this web site. But make sure that you don’t miss today’s A La Carte and Free Stuff Fridays. Quality I have been thinking a little bit lately about the quality of the content…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Next Story: Introducing the Team (Agent)

    I have been introducing you to the team who will help make my next book a reality. First you met Ryan the Editor and then Chris Fann the Marketing Man. Today I want to introduce you to Agent Andrew (known to some as Andrew Wolgemuth). He is, as you may have guessed, my agent. His…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Next Story: Introducing the Team (Marketing)

    Earlier this week I began introducing you to the people who will be involved behind-the-scenes in bringing you my book The Next Story. First I introduced you to Ryan the Editor who will (obviously) be responsible for editing the book. And today I’d like you to meet Chris Fann the Marketing Man. His job is…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Next Story: Introducing the Team

    Writing a book is a team effort. Of course I’m the one who has to spend endless hours hunched over an endless success of books, tapping away on a keyboard and staring pensively out the window. So let’s be honest–I do most of the work. But still, there are lots of other people involved. I…

  • A Prayer Request

    It is amazing to me, but it was almost eighteen months ago that Crossway published my book The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. I finished writing the book nearly a year before that. It all seems so much more recent. The reality is, though, that it has been a long, long time since I’ve actually been…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Horrible Self-Congratulatory Conformist Liberalism

    A few days ago somebody posted at Amazon a rather unique review of my book. Though he gave the book only one star out of five, I was far from upset or outraged when I read it. I was more perplexed. In fact, I didn’t quite know what to do with the review and thought…

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    Strange Places

    Recently I’ve spotted my book in some interesting places. This first picture was one I snapped a short time ago in a bathroom. My book is at least in good company there, sandwiched between titles by Sproul and MacArthur. While I won’t identify the owners of this bathroom, those who know me may be able…

  • Friday Miscellania

    It’s Friday and there are a few things I’ve been saving in my Favorites folder that I’d like to mention today. The Internet Effect on News I say, without any hyperbole, that this article from TIME may be the most important you read today. In it Michael Scherer explains how news has become commoditized through…

  • Reflections from a First Time Author

    Since my book was released I’ve had a few requests to share what I’ve learned about the book-writing process. Friday seemed like a good day to do that. On the whole I found writing the book to be an overwhelmingly positive experience and one I hope to enjoy again. There are currently no plans for…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 11)

    Today marks the end of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour. This was meant to be only a two week tour, but events conspired to keep me from visiting SharperIron on the scheduled date. We decided we would add one date to the tour so I could make that stop. The guys at SharperIron…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 10)

    Today is the second to last day of the blog tour for my new book The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. For the past two weeks I’ve been answering questions that have been asked by a variety of bloggers. Though something neither I nor Crossway had tried before, this blog tour has been fun, I think,…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 9)

    We are nearing the end of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour and today the tour takes me to Michael Spencer’s blog. I appreciated these words from Michael: “Those of you looking for an argument can move along. I’m sure Tim and I disagree on many things, but scripture tells us that it’s a…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 8)

    Today brings us to the eighth day of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour. For those who were concerned about the fact that we missed the planned stop at SharperIron, you’ll notice in the schedule below that we’ve added one more date to the tour and we’ll finish up at SharperIron on Monday. Today…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 7)

    The blog tour for The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment marches on and today makes a stop at Between Two Worlds, the blog of Justin Taylor. Chances are that if you read my blog, you also read Justin’s or are, at the very least, familiar with it. Justin’s site is an indispensable source for news and…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 5)

    This morning I continue with The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment blog tour by answering a question at Gender Blog, the official blog of the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The question is one that is important, interesting and, I found, quite difficult to answer adequately and sensitively. Here is what they asked: It is…