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Explore July 2019

  • The Lord Is My Salvation

    Hymn Sunday is a collaboration with Getty Music. You will find a video of a favorite psalm along with downloadable sheet music. This is a song of testimony, inspired in part by Psalm 27. Our witness, at the simplest level, is telling another person what Christ has done for us. Singing songs of faith helps…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include all kinds of academic books from Eerdmans as well as some for the rest of us. There are also some novels on sale: Lord of the Rings, 1984, etc. (Yesterday on the blog: How I Prepare a Sermon) Her Stillborn, Him Sovereign This one is beautiful and moving. “There in the…

  • How I Prepare a Sermon

    How I Prepare a Sermon

    I have enjoyed reading articles by various Aussies as they tell how they prepare their weekly sermons. I always find it beneficial to hear how others set about the task and thought I’d add my voice to the mix. The point in this article and the others is not to suggest that one method is…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 5)

    It’s an excellent day for Kindle deals today. There are books by Rosaria Butterfield, John MacArthur, Jonathan Leeman, and others. Do You Love Your Country? I suppose this is a day late, but it’s still beneficial. “Do you love your country? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself lately. And it’s not at all an…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include only a few minor deals. Logos users, don’t miss the 30% off sale happening now. (Yesterday on the blog: Make Some Return To Your Parents) The Most Radical Mission For Christians May Be The Most Mundane “It’s not that we should lower our expectations or squelch the ambitious visionaries in our…

  • Make Some Return To Your Parents

    Make Some Return To Your Parents

    I’ve recently encountered quite a number of people who are grappling with issues related to honoring and caring for their aging parents. Some have parents who are no longer capable of independent living—Should they be invited in to our home or should we look at nursing homes? Some have parents who are very demanding—Do we…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some good books. Nancy Pearcey’s Finding Truth could be the best $0.79 you spend all summer! P&R has launched a new Reformed Expository Bible Study series and the first few volumes are on sale at WTS Books. John Stott’s Daily Prayer I think we’d all do well to begin our days…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 2)

    There are a few minor Kindle deals today. Of more interest… …Logos users will definitely want to grab this month’s free book from Logos. And audiobook listeners will want to head to Christian Audio to grab a free copy of Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. (Yesterday on the blog: Does Your Church Truly…

  • Does Your Church Truly Care for True Widows?

    An especially important ministry of the earliest church was the ministry of caring for widows. In fact, early in the book of Acts we see that the church’s first conflict was related to widows, when some were unjustly favored over others. The Apostles responded by appointing a body of men of good repute to oversee…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some solid titles from Crossway. 16 Leadership Lessons I Learned the Hard Way I don’t usually go for the “16 lessons” kind of articles, but this one actually has lots of good tidbits in it. The Unforgivable Sin I also don’t usually go for Twitter threads, but make exceptions for Tom…