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A La Carte (April 17)

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Jesus’ Thirst and Our Spiritual Rehydration – Wow! “In a startling way, Jesus inserted Himself into His parable of the rich man and Lazarus. In hell, the rich man cried out for mercy, pleading for Lazarus to ‘dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame’. The rich man’s croaking screams for relief are denied. So long as He endured the hellish agony of God’s wrath against sin, Christ’s tongue, likewise, rattled in His mouth.”

Every Christian’s 2nd Most Important Book – Yes! Here is the book that ought to be every Christian’s second most important (after the Bible, of course).

The Shirt on Your Back – This is a fascinating interactive article from The Guardian.

The Fountainhead of Satanism – Joe Carter writes about the close connection between Anton LaVey and Ayn Rand.

Growing Up Gothard – Ted Kluck: “Recently, my friend Derek shared about what life was like growing up inside the Bill Gothard movement in the 1980s and ’90s. His account was utterly fascinating…”

Overcoming Passivity – “When portrayed as strong, men often exaggeratedly suffer from an overdose of testosterone. Of course, the blame cannot wholly be laid on our modern culture, since male passivity also began in Eden, when Adam failed to stand up to the serpent and protect his wife from its temptations. As inheritors of Adam’s sinful nature, we all can fall into passivity, failing to work and lead as we should.”


You never have to drag mercy out of Christ, as money from a miser.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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