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A La Carte (December 26)


I trust you enjoyed your Christmas yesterday as we did!

If you are into Kindle deals (and maybe got a new Kindle yesterday), check out today’s Kindle deals and you might find something to add to your collection.

Logos users, the NIVAC set is deeply discounted for a few days; it is well worth owning.

Hope That Conquers Anxiety

William Farley: “True Believers hope for something else, without which heaven will not be heaven. They anchor their hope in a direct, unmediated view of God’s glory— seeing, savoring, and enjoying God in all of his moral beauty. This is what Paul had in mind when he wrote, ‘Christ in you the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27). Here is real power to persevere through times of trial and uncertainty.”

I thought I was too smart to be scammed. I was wrong

Take this as a cautionary tale…

The Only Town in the US with a Population of One (Video)

Yes, there is just one town in the US with a population of one.

3 Common Mistakes We Make When Reading the Bible

Wyatt Graham lists them. “Every January, many commit to reading through the Bible in one year. Incidentally, this commonplace is one reason why I love evangelicalism. We are Bible people. And as Bible people, we should pursue reading Scripture well by avoiding common mistakes that we sometimes make. Here then are three mistakes that we sometimes make when we read the Bible.”

How We Are Going to the Moon (Video)

NASA simply explains its rather ambitious plan for going back to the moon.

I Awake, and I am Still with You

“Have you ever wondered at the fact that you wake up believing in Christ? Have you considered the mercy of God in your first moments of the day, when your eyes open and your brain resumes its thinking function? How is it that even while we sleep, we don’t lose our bearings concerning Christ?”

China’s Trackless Trains

What neat technology!

Flashback: Sex on the Silver Screen – Outsourcing Depravity

When we watch sex on the silver screen, we are asking unbelievers to behave in ways we would never tolerate among ourselves. Yet we tolerate it so we can enjoy entertainment we otherwise couldn’t enjoy. We outsource our depravity so we can live within the letter of the law, even while violating the spirit. We are hiring our own equivalent of a Shabbos goy, aren’t we?

If the Scripture has more than one meaning it has no meaning at all.

—John Owen

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