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A La Carte (July 23)


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Spirituality of Quitting

“Most of us are very uncomfortable with quitting. We hear a lot about going after your dreams, achieving big things, and unleashing the untapped talents within—and this is the kind language that comes from some pulpits. But even if you aren’t in a church that harps on catalyzing your calling, you know the word ‘quit’ feels like one of those infamous four letter words. We don’t like it. We don’t like to say it. And we definitely don’t devote time to thinking about quitting.”

The Humbling To-Do List

Reagan Rose considers the value of the simple to-do list. “A lot of us have this idealized vision of a productive life in which our time is perfectly balanced, we always finish our tasks, and we end the day satisfied with ourselves. But that dream rarely comports with reality. And an unfinished to-do list is the most stinging reminder of how frequently we fall short of even our least ambitious goals.”

A 10 Question Catechism for One-on-One Pastoral Care

This is key and classic stuff from Richard Baxter.

Preaching Preferred Pronouns

Nick Batzig: “Personal pronouns have been all the rage and debate in recent years. It’s amazing how important such short words are in our everyday speech and in our anthropology. That being said, personal pronouns are also some of the most important words to interpret when reading the Scriptures.”


I very much enjoyed Kristin’s reflections on her grandparents, and especially her grandfather.

The Comfort of Samson

“Judges is one of those books of the Bible that we tend to read at a distance. … And yet it provides some exquisite comfort to sinners like you and me (not to mention, some equally exquisite conviction to boot).”

Joe Rigney’s Baseball Story

You should probably just do yourself a favor and read Joe Rigney’s baseball thread on Twitter.

Flashback: Citizenship and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

We receive it by believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior. And in the moment we believe, we are granted all the rights of citizenship, forever. We become citizens of heaven.

A liar then is as like the devil as ever he can look: as unlike to God as ever he can be.

— Richard Capel

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