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A La Carte (November 15)


Westminster Books has a couple of deals that may interest you. One is on the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series while the other is on a new systematic theology (plus a few other not-so-new systematic theologies).

Run Your Race—Not Someone Else’s

“Have you ever heard yourself inwardly say, Well, at least I’m doing better than that guy, or, conversely, I’ll never be as good as that girl? In the former, we are provoking others. In arrogance, we look down on others with scorn and wonder why they can’t deliver as well as we can. In the latter, we envy others. With self-loathing, we want their success or abilities.”

4 People Influencing Your Kids You’ve Never Heard of

“Previously, parents felt good if they knew the names of their children’s friends. Student pastors wanted to stay up to date on the top music artists. For those seeking to point the next generation to Christ, they may have some relentless competition from names they’ve never heard of and never even thought to investigate. Do you know who PewDiePie is? What about Jeffree Star or Shane Dawson? How about Markiplier?”

You only live once—if then. How do we make the most of life and the time we have? In the midst of our harried modern world, speaker and social critic Os Guinness calls us to consequential living in his new book Carpe Diem Redeemed. We can seek to serve God’s purpose for our generation, read the times, and discern our call for this moment in history.

Losing Youth, Gaining Growth

“Sometimes I don’t recognize the girl in the mirror with the lines on her face and the silvery strands springing from her scalp, but as I’ve reflected on the slow vanishing of my physical youth, I’ve watched something else slowly diminish: my spiritual youth. I can’t disentangle the two, really. Alongside the slow fade of physical youth is a similar, bittersweet release of my young years in Christ.”

One of the Best Illustrations I’ve Heard in Years

It’s a good one!

It Is A Terrible Choice

“Because women will do it, therefore they should be able to do it safely, because otherwise we, all of us, don’t care about women. This is always the end of the line, the place where the pro-lifer says, ‘No no, we really do care, and we think that abortion actually makes everything worse. We care very deeply about the woman, and know that her life doesn’t have to be pitted against the life of the child.’ ‘Yes it does,’ says the pro-abortioner. ‘She will only be happy if the baby is no longer there.’”

Dysfunctional Elders Make a Dysfunctional Church

I have seen so many times that this is true!

You May Not Know What to Pray, but the Holy Spirit Does

“Thank God that the Spirit doesn’t meet us in our pain with ‘At least …’ The Spirit knows our pain is real. Jesus knows it’s real. They feel it with you, and the Spirit groans even more deeply than you do. But the Spirit doesn’t just empathize with us. Groaning also indicates the Spirit’s wisdom. The Spirit prays ‘according to the will of God.’ He prays the will of God perfectly over us, that God’s good purpose will be accomplished to the letter.”

Flashback: 18 Prayers to Pray for Unbelievers

How do I pray for unbelievers? …While we can and must pray for matters related to their lives and circumstances, the emphasis of our prayers must always be for their salvation.

It is well to praise the Lord for his mercy when you are in health, but make sure that you do it when you are sick, for then your praise is more likely to be genuine.

—Charles Spurgeon

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