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  • Friday Frivolity

    As I mentioned a couple of days ago, this has been a bit of a crazy week. The primary reason is a really good one: Aileen and I just completed the purchase of our first house. We are now waiting only for a piece of paper to change hands from our lawyer to our real…

  • Friday Frivolity

    Just about everyone who reads web sites does so at work. It’s a strange and shameful fact, isn’t it? In fact, you are probably sitting at work right now as you read this. Shame on you. My experience with working the Friday afternoon before Christmas tells me that you’re probably not doing much today anyways.…

  • Friday Frivolity

    First off I would like to warn everyone that the site may be a little unpredictable over the weekend. I am hoping to upgrade to a whole new design. This design is such a radical departure from the current one that it will take a massive amount of work to make the change. So bear…

  • Friday Frivolity

    I had a humbling moment yesterday. I received in the mail an unexpected gift of a new book written by one of my very favorite authors. I opened the cover and saw that he had taken the time to sign it to me. I was quite thrilled. My wife was napping at the time (she’s…

  • Friday Frivolity

    I have a question of ethics that I’m sure is unique to our technologically-advanced age. It concerns one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century and one that has been updated for the twenty-first. I am talking about, of course, Tupperware (which I use as a generic term for reusable storage containers). Now it…

  • Friday Frivolity

    I’m going to be rolling out a new feature of this blog on Monday. Or am am hoping to, anyways. It is a feature that is long overdue, and one I hope contributes to the blogosphere. So check back Monday for that – it’s guaranteed to be a letdown. Two weeks from today I will…

  • Extension Cords

    Are there cool ones? The following dialogue took place a couple of evenings ago: Tim: “Hey, Bob! What’s up?” Bob: “Not much. Just washing the truck.” [Miscellaneous smalltalk] Bob: “Hey, want to see a cool extension cord?” Tim [Not sure if Bob is serious or not]: “Um…sure. Is there such a thing?” Bob [Pulls flourescent…

  • Friday Frivolity (and a word about RSS)

    There is quite a large number of people who read this site through RSS readers. I have no idea how many of you there are as you only rarely make yourselves known. But I know you exist because whenever I post the details of a new giveaway I am immediately inundated by a large number…

  • Friday Frivolity

    Today I would like to regale you with a story about my daughter. It is a true story, of course, and seems just frivolous enough to post on a Friday. One day a couple of weeks ago when we were on vacation it was nearly dinner time and my daughter really wanted a popsicle. My…

  • Cashing In

    Passion and Purpose. This has to be the funniest book title in the past several years. Talk about cashing in on the current trends. Somehow, though, he missed Jabez. The title should have been The Passion of Christ and the Purpose of Jabez’ Life.

  • Reborn to be Wild

    King of the Hill. Last week I wrote an article about an episode of King of the Hill entitled “Reborn to be Wild.” Apparently that episode will be showing on the FX channel tonight (Aug. 15) at 7:00 pm and tomorrow at 4:30 pm. I’m not sure if it will be showing in syndication on…

  • Ronald McDonald Joins Warren

    Ronald McDonald Joins Warren’s PEACE Plan. “In a move that sent shockwaves throughout the evangelical and fast-food industries, Rick Warren announced Sunday from his Saddleback pulpit that beloved hamburger entrepreneur Ronald McDonald has “signed on” to help with Warren’s global PEACE Plan. “Ron’s progressive vision has been a great inspiration to me and Kay,” said…

  • Friday Frivolity

    It’s four in the afternoon and I am only just getting to the Friday Frivolity. My most profuse apologies go to everyone, but Amy in particular. This is completely non-frivolous but some have asked me about the heart issues I was having a couple of weeks ago. I finally got the call-back from the doctor…

  • Friday Frivolity

    It is a little late in the day to be publishing this, I admit, but I’ve been otherwise-occupied. I’ve been having some trouble with my ticker lately, so yesterday I went to the doctor to get fitted with a little gadget that would record every beat of my heart for a full 24 hours. This…