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  • The Best of R.C. Sproul on DVD

    One of the benefits of working with Ligonier Ministries over the past months has been reading, watching or listening to many of R.C. Sproul’s books and teaching series. Having done so, I thought I’d provide a roundup of some of his best DVDs, most of which are teaching series in which he provides lectures on…

  • Tim Keller on DVD

    Tim Keller is releasing books at a steady clip these days. 2008 saw the release of The Reason for God and The Prodigal God while Counterfeit Gods was released in 2009 and Generous Justice just days ago. Early next year we’ll see King’s Cross. While the books have been published by Dutton, several of them…

  • Malatya

    Is it estimated that in all of Turkey, a nation of almost 74 million, there are only a few thousand Christians. From their infancy Turks are taught that to be a Turk is to be a Muslim and to be anything else is treason. The few Christians who stand firm in their faith are viewed…

  • Life

    I’ve got a bit of a thing for nature documentaries and maybe it’s because I’m not exactly the traveling type. I don’t ever anticipate being able to visit South America or Africa, to walk through the jungles and savannahs and to see so many of the wonders of God’s creation (at least on this side…

  • Go to Dark Gethsemane

    Here is a song we’ll be introducing at church just a little bit later today. Written by James Montgomery, it is titled “Go to Dark Gethsemane.” What I love about this hymn is the progression from Gethsemane all the way to the resurrection, from watching Christ be tempted in the Garden all the way to…

  • Weightless (Download a Free Song)

    A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the music of Christa Wells and told you how much I’ve enjoyed her song “Weightless.” Christa came across that post and was kind enough to offer the song to all of you as a free download. You can download it by clicking here. (You may want to right-click…

  • Weightless

    A couple of weeks ago, a friend introduced me to the music of Christa Wells. I had never heard of her before and immediately fell in love with her music. Now I often hesitate to share my musical preferences because it seems almost inevitable that as soon as I do so, someone will email and…

  • Music Roundup

    I realized the other day that I have a growing stack of CDs around here awaiting some kind of attention on the blog. So today let me draw your attention to a few noteworthy new albums. Nate Fancher: The Cross of Jesus – I wasn’t quite sure how to describe the sound of this EP,…

  • Review – John Piper DVDs

    Desiring God and Crossway have partnered together to create some interesting new products. They have recently released three small group studies which combine lessons on DVD with book-format study guides. I will provide a brief description of each and then share my thoughts on the series: Why We Believe the Bible. “With the deluge of…

  • DVD Review – The Late Great Planet Church

    I am no authority on eschatology, on the theology of the end times. In fact, I need all the help I can get in understanding it and in separating one view from the next. It is an area where seemingly small distinctions can make profound differences and where tensions often run high. It was with…

  • The Richard Wurmbrand Story

    The Torchlighters video series is a series of animated DVD’s dedicated to “Highlighting the honor, integrity and life-changing experiences of those well-known and little-known Christian men, women and children who in response to God’s call, dedicated their lives to a life of whole-hearted commitment and passionate service to Jesus.” It is a production of Christian…

  • My Top 8 Albums of 2008

    Tuesdays are usually the day that I publish a book review. Today I am going to break form and will instead fulfill a request by listing my favorite albums of the year. Now I will say off the top that I am no authority on music. In fact, I may be among the least-qualified people…

  • DVD Reviews

    Over the past weeks I’ve had quite a few DVDs added to my collection and today I thought I’d offer brief reviews of some of the more notable selections. Every one of them is available from Vision Video. The Gladys Aylward Story he Torchlighters video series is a series of animated DVD’s dedicated to “Highlighting…

  • Music Miscellania

    Every now and again I bring news of a few of the albums that have crossed by desk (or my copy of iTunes) in the past few weeks. Today I bring news of three notable albums. Evangel Rapper Evangel has just released a new album titled Expository Journey. At the web site for Lamp Mode…

  • Movie Review – Fireproof

    Kirk Cameron totally stood me up. “Come to a screening of my new movie,” he says. “I’ll be there and it would be fun to meet up.” So off I went yesterday, along with Aileen and our friends Julian and Stacey (yes, I think all of my friends have their own blogs), to attend a…

  • Hymns & Worship

    I wanted to draw your attention to a few albums that I’ve been enjoying recently. Each of these albums features music that is appropriate for corporate worship and each features selections of modern or ancient hymns. Each of them is worth buying and listening to. All of the albums are available through iTunes (where I…

  • DVD Review – “The Blue Planet” and “Planet Earth”

    The Blue Planet and Planet Earth are among the finest nature documentaries you could ever hope to see. Produced by the BBC and narrated by David Attenborough, the first looks to the world’s oceans and the second primarily to its land masses. The Blue Planet (first broadcast in 2001) is comprised of eight 50-minute episodes.…

  • Music Miscellania

    Today seemed like a good day to share a few music-related notes that I’ve been saving up to post together. I am no authority on music but I do listen to a lot of it and always enjoy finding new albums or new bands that are worth listening to. Here are a few suggestions. Reilly…

  • DVD Reviews on the Run

    The War The War is a new documentary series by acclaimed producer Ken Burns (best known for his series on the Civil War). Something of a unique take on a history of World War 2, the series tells the war through the eyes of four towns from across America. It deals both with the home…

  • Modern Parables: Living in the Kingdom of God (DVD)

    Modern Parables: Living in the Kingdom of God is an original Bible study curriculum designed for people who like movies and is just the first in a planned series of film-driven studies on the parables of Jesus. The films are geared towards use for youth groups, small groups, evangelism or even home schooling curriculum. Volume…