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A Compendium of Wonderful Clicks

I couldn’t find a word beginning with “C” that would make a more illiterative title. Any suggestions are welcome. “Wonderful” just doesn’t seem to cut it.

Today marks the anniversary of the very first moon landing, which took place on this date in 1969. Google marks the occasion by creating a special logo and by providing a map of the moon (or maybe it’s the map of a Hollywood studio). You can see it at Zooming in all the way will solve one of humanities’ greatest questions.

And from the Now That’s Just Mean Files I present this. For those who have no idea why this is mean, read my review of What Is Reformed Theology?. For those who are too lazy, well, suffice it to say that What Is Reformed Theology and Grace Unknown are the same book, but by different publishers. So ordering them both isn’t really much of a deal. I wouldn’t recommend it.


I’m jamming today (is that what I should be doing with hymns?) to Songs For The Cross Centered Life. It is a CD companion to C.J. Mahaney’s book The Cross Centered Life which I have been meaning to read for a long, long time. At only 85 pages, there is no excuse for this procrastination. I’ll try to get to it shortly. In the meantime I’ll continue to enjoy the CD, which is just excellent.

It looks like Founders Ministries has begun a blog. “Our goal is to provide a forum for analyzing and discussing issues that relate to the work of biblical reformation in the churches throughout the Southern Baptist Convention and beyond. By “biblical reformation” we do not mean the promotion of a man, a system or a movement. We mean the ongoing re-formation of churches along biblical lines. A motto that arose out of the 16th century reformation recognizes this need. The reformers declared the need for “the church reformed, always reforming.” So it should be. Any church leader who does not see this need is simply naive. Another way to state it is that a church needs to be growing–always growing according to the Word of God. If the church growth movement had not so effectively co-opted such terminology we could just as readily use it. But today, “church growth” is measured almost exclusively in terms of numbers and statistics, a standard to which 2 Peter 3:18 will not submit.”

Happy Birthday, Bill.

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