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Sunday Ramblings

Sometimes I write Sunday reflections. When I got as little sleep as I did last night I’m sure I am capable of doing no more than ramblings. Abby, still recovering from her surgery, had a bit of a rough night last night and kept us awake for quite a while. I’m not sure if it was surgery-related or if she just had a bad night. Generally she is doing well, though, apart from a small infection which we are now treating.

I am working on a side project at the moment – a site that will help other people learn how to start and run their own blogs. It should be ready for launch in a week or so.

A second side project is the Christian music site I wrote about a week or so ago. I have still not decided whether or not to proceed with it since time is a valuable commodity at the moment. I have reserved the name in case I decide to move ahead.

I have read a few articles recently about Protestant rosaries. Apparently many so-called Protestants are intruiged by the Catholic rosary and have begun praying it on their own, though they substitute something else for the “Hail Mary” portions. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I am far too skeptical about the current state of Protestantism for that! Of course it seems to me that The Prayer of Jabez which sold millions and millions of copies was really nothing more than a vain repetition. A friend of the family once said in his thick, Irish accent: “Ah, that stupid book! It’s nothing but a Protestant rosary!”

Plans for next week include : review of the new album by Everyday Sunday; review of John MacArthur’s book Ashamed of the Gospel; launch of my new site; a few other articles I have been working on. I also have to finish several Web site projects (ie work-related Web sites). Hopefully we’ll all have a good sleep tonight and I’ll be capable of doing some worthwhile writing tomorrow!

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