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  • Not What You Think

    While the gospel remains fixed and unchanging, every generation is different from the one before. While God’s Word is always true and powerful, each generation has its own doubts and questions. This means that each generation needs to be taught about God and his Word in a unique way. Where gen X might have responded…

  • Wrong Way

    If the Bible Is Wrong, I’m So, So Wrong

    When it comes to the Bible, we’ve all got a choice to make. We can take the Bible on our terms, or on its terms. We can choose to follow it some of the way, or we can choose to follow it all the way. We can dabble in it, or we can dive deep…

  • Has the Bible Been Preserved For Us Today

    Has the Bible Been Preserved For Us Today?

    I recently announced that my new book, A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible, is just about ready to launch and that we are now taking pre-orders. It is due to be released at the end of March. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a brief taste of what you’ll read and what…

  • ESV Scripture Journal

    What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About?

    You’ve probably seen something recently about the ESV Scripture Journals. According to the publisher, they “pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. Individual…

  • What Has the Lord Been Teaching You From His Word?

    Earlier in the week, eager to be encouraged, I put this question out to Twitter: What has the Lord been teaching you from his Word recently? The responses were quick, plentiful, and encouraging. Here are a few of them. (Click here to read them all.) I’ve been meditating on the Good Samaritan, and I’m learning…

  • Bible Journal

    10 Suggestions For Your Personal Devotions in 2019

    The new year is coming, and I, for one, am beginning to think about how I’m going to do my daily devotions in 2019. I know that for me to be consistent, I need to put some plans in place. For the past several years I’ve made great use of the Five-Day Reading Plan and…

  • Reading The Bible Fast And Slow In 2019

    Reading The Bible Fast And Slow In 2019

    Today I’m glad to share an article by Paul Carter, a friend who has contributed to my site a couple of times in the past. He is passionate about reading and teaching God’s Word and I’m glad to have him lay down the challenge to read the Bible fast and slow in 2019. One of…

  • Give Me a Man with an Open Bible

    Give Me a Man with an Open Bible!

    It’s the age of the expert, the age of the specialist. And sure enough, there’s a growing theme in the Christian world that experience is a necessary prerequisite to authority. If you want to know about parenting, you need to talk to a parent. If you want to know about marriage, you need to talk…

  • How do You Choose A Bible Translation?

    We who speak English are blessed with a multitude of competing translations of the Bible. With so many possibilities, which should you choose? Here is at least one answer to this common question. Transcript Recently a reader got in touch to ask me about Bible translations. What translation do I use, what translation do I…

  • What Is the Bible, Anyway?

    We Christians spend a lot of time reading the Bible, hearing it preached, and meditating on its words. Why this commitment? We are committed to the Bible because of what it is and what it does. The Bible guides us to its purpose and power through the many metaphors it uses to describe itself. Here…

  • The Best Argument for Using a Printed Bible

    I admit it: I use an electronic Bible. Better said, I use an electronic device that has a Bible app installed on it. Several years ago I put away my printed Bible in favor of Logos on my iPad. There is a lot I love about this: I love the convenience of being able to…

  • Bible in a Pew

    God, Don’t Take the Bible From Us!

    They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, that you can’t appreciate what you have until it’s taken away. Isn’t this why we sometimes imagine ourselves without the people we love? As we imagine their absence we grow in our affection. Perhaps we would grow in our affection for the Bible if…

  • 5 Tips for Engaging with Scripture

    This week the blog is sponsored by Crossway, who would like to introduce you to the ESV Scripture Journal. Reading and studying Scripture are pursuits that require the attention of both heart and mind. To love the Lord with all our strength, we must actively engage with Scripture—asking questions, learning contexts, making connections, and reflecting…

  • My Favorite Bible-Reading Plan for 2017

    How To Begin A Bible-Reading Habit in 2018

    With my arms still in quite a lot of pain through nerve damage, I’ve asked a few friends to step in from time to time. Today Paul Carter provides an excellent article on beginning a Bible-reading habit in 2018. If you intend to read through the Bible in 2018 now is the time to get…

  • 3 Minute Thursdays

    Bible Reading Programs – Three-Minute Thursdays #8

    A new year is fast approaching and with it a new opportunity to dive into God’s Word. Here are some tips on getting started with a new Bible-reading program. Here’s the link to the program I recommend: Five Day Bible Reading Program. Transcript Welcome to another edition of 3 Minute Thursdays, where, in three minutes…

  • ESV Readers Bible

    Vlog: What’s a Reader’s Bible All About?

    I wonder if you’ve noticed that over the past few years, our Bibles have gotten a little bit cluttered. Open your Bible and may notice it’s full of notes and footnotes and cross-references and other features. Each of these features is great, yet each one can also detract from the reading experience. Not surprisingly, we…

  • God Did Not Write a Book

    God Didn’t Write a Book

    The Bible is a book—God’s book. Even a child knows this, right? Except that the Bible isn’t a book. Not really. The Bible was at first oral transmission passed from person to person, events and conversations observed, remembered, and shared. But it was still the Bible. Then the Bible was a collection of scrolls, each…

  • Preaching a Sermon, Not Leading a Bible Study

    One Way To Make Sure You’re Preaching a Sermon, Not Leading a Bible Study

    I love Bible studies. I love sermons. Both have their place and both can be tremendously beneficial in the life of the church and the spiritual diet of the believer. But I’ve observed that some sermons are actually Bible studies and some Bible studies are actually sermons. Though I will grant there can be a…

  • Love of the Bible

    8 Ways to Measure Your Love for the Bible

    Christians are people of the Word, men and women who live their lives according to its every precept. The Bible is the revelation of God to display his character and to show what it means to live in conformity to him. It is an inestimable privilege to have access to the mind and will of…

  • How To Understand and Apply the New Testament

    How To Understand and Apply the New Testament

    Whenever I begin to read a new book, I immediately look to the opening pages for a clear statement of purpose. Why did the author write this work? What sets it apart from others? When it comes to Andy Naselli’s How to Understand and Apply the New Testament, he wastes no time. Here are his…