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  • Not What You Think

    While the gospel remains fixed and unchanging, every generation is different from the one before. While God’s Word is always true and powerful, each generation has its own doubts and questions. This means that each generation needs to be taught about God and his Word in a unique way. Where gen X might have responded…

  • Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation

    It’s not like we’re hurting for books about a Christian understanding of work. In fact, the past few years have seen nothing short of an explosion of interest in the subject. So when yet another showed up in my mailbox, I was tempted to set it aside. I was tempted, that is, until I saw…

  • The Gospel-Driven Church

    Over the past few decades, evangelical churches have been shaped and reshaped by the church growth movement. This movement held out a model of local church ministry that some have labeled “attractional.” The idea was to make churches attractive to unbelievers so they would have compelling reasons to come to church where they could then…

  • five points Calvinism

    Mere Calvinism

    Somewhere along the way, it seems like the New Calvinism became about everything but Calvinism. Somewhere along the way, we stopped thinking and writing about the very doctrines that brought the movement together in the first place. Maybe we had already mastered them, so it was time to move on to more advanced topics. Or…

  • new and notable

    January New & Notable Books

    I get books. I get lots and lots of books. As you well know, once a month or so I like to try and thin the pile a little bit and distill it down to the ones I think may be of most interest to people like you. I hope you find at least some…

  • Girl, Wash Your Face

    My assistant put me up to this. She does a first pass on most of the emails I receive and recently called to say, “There’s a book out there called Girl, Wash Your Face, and you’re getting multiple emails about it every day. You need to review it.” I looked it up on Amazon and…

  • New and Notable Christian Books for September

    It’s that time again. I get a lot (a lot!) of books in the mail. I don’t have time to review them all, but once in a while I like to let you know about some that may be of particular interest to you. Here they are.  These are the books I introduce: Transcript…

  • The Road to Dawn

    The Road to Dawn

    It’s always fascinating to me which characters history doesn’t remember and which ones history cannot forget. Sometimes key players fall out of our consciousness altogether while lesser ones are raised to legendary status. Sometimes real-life characters are lost to the mists of time while fictional ones are treasured forever. This is exactly the case with…

  • New and Notable Books (Three-Minute Thursdays #16)

    Welcome to another edition of Three-Minute Thursdays. Every year I get literally hundreds of books in the mail—one of the perks of being a book reviewer. From time to time I take the big stack and turn it into a little stack, so I can tell you about some of the new and notable books…

  • New and Notable Book – Three-Minute Thursdays #15

    Welcome to another edition of Three-Minute Thursdays. Every year I get literally hundreds of books in the mail. That’s one of the perks of being a book reviewer. From time to time I take the big stack, I turn it into a little stack, so I can tell you about some of the new and…

  • New and Notable Books

    New and Notable Books – Three-Minute Thursdays #10

    Welcome to another edition of 3 Minute Thursdays. Every year I get literally hundreds of books in the mail. That’s one of the perks of being a book reviewer. As they come in, I take a look at them, I put them in a big old stack right down here and then from time to…

  • The Collected Best Christian Books of 2017

    The Collected Best Christian Books of 2017

    For the past couple of weeks my RSS feeder has been humming with list after list of the best books of 2017. It seems that just about every avid reader I follow is eager to share his or her picks for the year that was. I love these lists and decided I’d compile them to…

  • New and Notable Books

    New and Notable Books – Three-Minute Thursdays #7

    If you’re a Christian and you love to read, this is a very, very good time to be alive. We’ve got Christian publishers just pouring out new books all the time. So many of them are excellent. Today, in this edition of Three-Minute Thursdays, I’m going to tell you about just six new and notable…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    The Small Increments of Change

    A few years ago I read Paul Chamberlain’s Talking About Good and Bad Without Getting Ugly, a book that proposes ways that Christians can talk about difficult issues–issues like abortion, homosexual marriage, euthanasia–in a pluralistic society. The final chapter is a case study that features William Wilberforce as an example of a man who used…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/20)

    6 Reasons to Be a Faithful Member of a Local Church – “It is our conviction that every Christian should be an active member of a Bible-teaching local church. As believers in Christ, we are members of His body and must discipline ourselves to be actively involved in ministry as a way of life. Here…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Amazing Dad

    A few days ago I received in the mail a copy of Amazing Dad by Stephanie Byrd. This is a self-published book and by far the exception among the self-published books I receive–it is really and truly good. Byrd has combed through the letters of the great statesman William Wilberforce, the letters to his children,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/6)

    Why Are there Never Enough Parking Spaces at the Prostate Clinic?Carl Trueman offers more than a great (and original) title in this article about the Christian obsession with culture. “Plenty of talk about Christian approaches to art, music, literature, sex, even international politics. All very interesting subjects, I’m sure, and the topics of many a…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Summer Reading

    Every year, when summer approaches, we begin to hear about summer reading lists. I am uncertain if this is a throwback to days gone by or if people really do try to set aside a few books to read over the course of a summer. Or perhaps it is only students who do this as…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    Book Review – Amazing Grace

    That the name of William Wilberforce has largely been lost to history seems somehow unfair. Wilberforce was the driving force behind the abolition of slavery within the British Empire. A Member of Parliament for forty-five years, the results of his efforts are still seen and understood in Western society to this day. Though his impact…

  • Friday Ramblings

    William Wilberforce In February of 2007 a film titled Amazing Grace will hit theatres, though only in limited release (and I’d be surprised if it makes it to Canada at all). The movie deals with the life of “the world’s greatest reformer,” William Wilberforce. Ioan Gruffudd plays Wilberforce, who, as a Member of Parliament, navigated…