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    Best New Testament Commentaries: A Logos Collection

    If you have been reading this site for a while, you probably remember the Best Commentaries series I prepared a couple of years ago. The basic premise of the series was that, because I am unqualified to determine which commentaries are best, I would turn to experts to find their recommendations. I did that and…

  • 190 Blogs I Read

    I am going to file this one under “by popular demand.” I have been asked a hundred times what blogs I read and how I read them. Do I really visit all those sites every day? And just how many of them are there anyway? Today I will explain how I keep up with blogs…

  • 2016 Reading Challenge February Update

    Late last year I announced the 2016 Reading Challenge, a fun way to increase and diversify your reading through another year. I took the challenge and set this year’s goal at 104 books. However, because so much of my reading has to go toward reviewing books that are recently published and of interest to Christians…

  • 2016 Reading Challenge January Update

    Late last year I announced the 2016 Reading Challenge, a fun way to increase and diversify your reading through another year. I took the challenge and set this year’s goal at 104 books. However, because so much of my reading has to go toward reviewing books that are recently published and of interest to Christians…

  • Letters to the Editor Collection cover image

    Letters to the Editor #11 (Christians and their Books)

    This week’s letters to the editor were almost all in response to my article Going All-in With Ebooks. I suppose this is not too surprising since Christians in general, and perhaps especially Christians who read a site like this one, tend to be committed readers. Every committed reader has an opinion, and often a very…

  • Going All-in With Ebooks

    I am selling my library. At least, I think I am. I’ve made the decision. Almost. It feels just a little too final to actually say it like that. But I’ve got a big library and a small house and something has got to give. See, back in October I stopped working full-time at Grace…

  • Amusing 1-Star Reviews of Great Books

    There was a time, and it wasn’t too long ago, when book reviews were primarily the realm of newspapers, magazines, and journals. Then came online shopping, blogs, and social media, and reviews would never be the same. For good and for ill, the Internet democratized reviewing, allowing all of us to have a voice. This…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New & Notable Books (January 2016)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and I’ve got a few interesting ones to share with…

  • How to Finish Over 100 Books in 2016

    Are you going to take the 2016 Reading Challenge this year? I talked it over with my family and we have decided to team up on it. We have the poster up, we are ready to go, and are just waiting for January 1. Whether you do it alone or with others, 100 books in…

  • A Roundup of Book Roundups

    I love book recommendations. So when various friends take the time to put together lists of their favorite books in 2015, I enjoy seeing not only what they recommend, but why. So I thought I would compile a variety of book roundups that I’m aware of for this past year: Another list that may be…

  • Letters to the Editor Collection cover image

    Letters to the Editor #8 (Homemaking, Reading, Humility)

    Blogs were never meant to be one-way communication. Because of the increasing difficulty in maintaining a helpful commenting section, I have recently added a Letters to the Editor feature. Today I share some recent letters to the editor. This week’s Letters to the Editors were almost entirely focused on three articles. Comments on Homemaking In…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    My Top Books of 2015

    2015 was a pretty good year for Christian readers, and today I want to share some of my top picks from the year that is swiftly drawing to a close. Let me offer a few caveats: First, these are almost certainly not the best books of 2015 in any objective sense; rather, they are my…

  • The 2016 Reading Challenge

    Do you love to read? Do you want to learn to love to read? Do you enjoy reading books that cross the whole spectrum of topics and genres? Then have I got something for you! Whether you are a light reader or completely obsessed, this 2016 Reading Challenge is designed to help you read more…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New and Notable Books (November 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and I’ve got a few interesting ones to share with…

  • Reading Classics Together

    Your Highest Privilege

    Of all the privileges that are ours through the gospel, which is the greatest? According to many theologians, there is no privilege higher than adoption. J.I. Packer says it like this: “Adoption is the highest privilege that the gospel offers: higher even than justification.” He doesn’t just say it, but also defends it, and his…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New & Notable Books (Late August 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a little while since my last update and, even though this is a slower time of the…

  • Will You Read “Knowing God” With Me?

    One week from today I am going to begin a very public reading of a very good book. I would love for you to join me. Why don’t you read on to see if it would be beneficial to you? For the past few years I have been running an ongoing program called “Reading Classics…

  • Reading Classics Together Collection cover image

    Why Don’t You Read a Modern-Day Classic With Me?

    Many times over the years I have invited readers of this blog to join me in a reading project, mostly as part of a program I’ve called Reading Classics Together. We’ve read some incredible books together —Holiness by J.C. Ryle, Christianity & Liberalism by Gresham Machen, The Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, The Cross of…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    Summer Reading Suggestions

    I am a voracious and omnivorous reader. While necessity dictates that I focus much of my attention on Christian books, I supplement with all kinds of other genres. Here are a few of those other books I have enjoyed over the past couple of months. (If you are looking for Christian book suggestions, you can…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    New & Notable Books (May 2015)

    I am in the enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books, and every few weeks I like to provide a round-up of what is new and particularly notable. It has been a full month since my last update, and an awful lot of books have shown up since…