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A La Carte (October 6)

Today’s Kindle deals include: 60 People Who Shaped the Church by Alton Gansky, Each for the Other by Byran Chapell, Pastors Are People Too and Survive or Thrive by Jimmy Dodd, and Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary. Get them here.

Turning 40 While Single and Childless

Bethany Jenkins penned a really good article for TGC. “Four weeks shy of turning 40, I’m still single and childless. ‘Barren’—a description that was laughable to my 28-year-old self—may turn out to be true.”

Every Click Counts

This is a good reminder from David Mathis: “You’re never alone when you’re online. Not only is God watching — which should be significant enough! — but others are watching too. Every click counts, and is counted.”

What Andy Stanley Has Forgotten

The big point of this article by Richard Phillips is short but so important: “The Bible conveys not only information but power.” We need to believe this and not forget this!

Single Men, Consider the Single Mothers in Your Church

There is lots to chew on in this meaty article from Sam Parkison. Here’s the charge to young men: “as you look for a future wife, don’t write off the single moms in your church.”

The Dizzying Grandeur of 21st-Century Agriculture

The New York Times has an interesting photo essay showing the grandeur–the sheer size–of food-growing and food-production facilities today.

This Day in 1536. 480 years ago today reformer William Tyndale, who translated and published the first mechanically-printed New Testament in English, was strangled to death before being burned at the stake. *

When the American Church Fails Its Missionaries

This is very convicting. “I have been praying fervently for these friends, and many others like them. I have seen firsthand how committed, driven, and strategic they are. They need to be here. They need to stay here. But that can only happen with enough financial support.”

Faithful Preachers are Forgetful Preachers

Here’s a good reminder from H.B. Charles Jr.

Where Did Satan Come From?

It’s a good question, isn’t it? If God created the world good and very good, how did Satan suddenly show up?

Flashback: 6 Great Reasons To Study Doctrine

I guess I’m one of those geekly people who loves to learn a new word and the big idea behind it. But I hope I do not love doctrine for doctrine’s sake. Rather, I strive to be a person who loves doctrine for God’s sake. Today I want to give you 6 great reasons to study doctrine.

Authentic sadness is better than artificial happiness.

—David Murray

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